Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Goodbye to a Legend -- Hope for the Future

By now I'm sure everyone has heard about the passing of Patrick Swayze.  I can't even begin to imagine the struggles he went through, the pain he and his family endured.  At least -- maybe now -- the family can begin to find peace.

I don't hear about pancreatic cancer very often.  I knew that Swayze had it, and it was mentioned on an episode of House last night.  But I had no idea how horrific it is -- the statistics for those with pancreatic cancer are mind-numbing.  Only 13% live for a year after diagnosis, and only 3% survive for five years.  Wow. 

But it sounds like there's hope.  I ran across an article this morning about a new advance form of radiotherapy that can actually target the tumor, meaning higher doses of radiation can be used without damaging surrounding tissue.  You can read more about it here -- it's actually quite an interesting article. 

And a little hope can be a big thing.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things That Go Bump

Hope every one had a great Labor Day weekend!  Just a quick note that I've *moved* my crafty blog!  You can now find it at http://bellacreativekatie.blogspot.com.

In other non-news, I stayed busy this past week with pilates, the 30-Day Shred and playing catch with J ... which led to nursing a knot after catching a pop fly with my head.  Ouch would be a complete understatement!  

Surprisingly, though, no rush to the ER was necessary.  You would think I would have passed out or bled or had a really cool bruise to talk about.  But nope, just went down like a sack of concrete in the middle of the field, tears splashing down my cheeks ... yet I couldn't stop laughing.  Poor J, I think I scared a few years out of him.

One of these days I'll get him back for all of the softballs I've caught with my body and not my glove ... 

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