Saturday was our last TEAM run before the big event on Sunday (just 4 days to go!), and Mother Nature made sure it was unforgettable. Here lately I've been spoiled with sunny spring weather in the 70s -- I've even dusted off my flipflops and stashed the sweats in the back of the closet.
Weatherman warned that a cold front was moving in Friday afternoon, but I didn't pay attention. I left for work in short sleeves ... and nearly froze my butt off walking to my car that afternoon. The temps had dropped 30 degrees in a matter of hours, with me waking Saturday morning to a windy 34. Dang it. I went digging through the laundry pile trying to find my fleece pullovers. (Don't judge me ... sure, they were dirty. But, a little smell was worth the sacrifice so I wouldn't freeze to death.)
Layered, gloved and grumpy, I huddled with the rest of my TEAM while we waited to get started. After quick announcements, we were off ... straight into 20mph winds. Grrrr, I kept thinking to myself, keeping my head down and hoping that the four miles would go quick.
About a mile in I started to notice stuff hitting my face. It was dark so I couldn't make out what it was. At first I thought dirt, but it was too soft. Then I thought gnats ... which made me paranoid and resulted in constant spitting. But seriously, there can't be that many gnats. I could catch a glimpse of something in the glow of the street lamps. Rain maybe? But my clothes didn't feel damp.
The sky began to grow lighter about two miles in, with grey clouds hovering up above. Something was blowing in all around me, so I stuck out my black sleeve to catch whatever it was. No, it couldn't be ... it looks like ... Small little crystals of ice. But it wasn't ice. It was snow. It was freaking snowing! The little ice flakes slowly turned into big, beautiful white flakes that swirled all around me as I ran. I just couldn't believe it!
I instantly forgot about how cold it was, or how the wind was making it hard to breathe, or the blister forming on my right foot, or the ten million things on my to-do list that day. There was something soo calming about it all and I wanted to keep going, as if the snow would stop if I did.
It swirled on for another hour or so after I got home (and of course I woke the hubby up to see it). It was kind of neat knowing that I got to experience it, while many others were still tucked in their warm beds. Kind of like a little secret between Mother Nature and those of us out there running ... and an amazing way to wrap up this training season!
The End of the Blogging Road
13 years ago