While yesterday was a cloudy 77 degrees, today is a rainy 37. The bipolar weather definitely has my lawn confused, and I went around the house this morning turning off fans and turning up the heat. Guess I'll be working out inside today!
I made it to our TEAM practice on Saturday, for the first time in what feels like forever. Coach was down south with several of our mentors and other runners at the Texas Independence Relay -- a 203 mile, 30+ hour relay from Austin to Houston. Talk about crazy!
Those of us who showed up practiced with the summer team. I was surprised how many runners and walkers there were. I guess our team started our fairly large in the beginning, but now it seems relatively small. All of the summer team participants had on matching TNT t-shirts and name tags, and the mentors had made breakfast snacks for everyone to munch on after they finished.
Envious? A bit. But I guess I have the luxury of training with seasoned runners, which is always nice. Anyhoo, after the raffle winner was drawn, I ran about 1.5 miles and walked another 1.5. My ankle felt great -- it was my lungs that had trouble keeping up! Ohwell. I really just wanted to test my ankle with a short distance. It felt great being back out there.
I worked out at the gym at work for a bit yesterday. I put in two miles on the treadmill, selecting the "variety" workout which switches the incline every few minutes. My ankle felt great and my lungs kept up. Hopefully I can just keep building (quickly) from here. I will say that, after training outside for soo long, I felt clumsy on the treadmill. I just wasn't sure what to do with my arms, or what to look at besides the person's behind in front of me. Definitely different than being outside, but it was nice to mix it up a bit.
Just 24 days to go! :-)
The End of the Blogging Road
13 years ago
The comment you have left on my blog was hilarious. You gave me one heck of a good laugh. Point well taken... That Pink Girl won't have to open the book with a ice pick.
I know the weather has been neurotic these days.
Yay for no ankle pain!
I always feel clumsy on the treadmill. Running outside feels so much more natural.
Good luck with your continued progress.
good for the ankle, not bring the lungs back in line and you are golden for the Big D - which looks like it is a week before the Big I marathon here.
Ha, mentor envy? Just take it easy with your ankle and you'll be back.
You are doing great. We are about to have a similar weather shift here. Ran in shorts last Saturday, this Saturday it will be about 35 and showers.
i had no idea tnt had such awesome, well-organized team runs! sounds like you need to get your team in on the program (breakfast, t-shirt, etc)
glad the ankle held up and you survived time on the tm!
Nice work on getting back into running!
I am always surprised at how quickly my lungs get used to not running - but also surprised at how quickly they rebound. Give it a week and you'll be right back where you were!
So glad to hear about your ankle! It's good to hear that you're not pushing it too much and taking good care of the bod'.
Gray's is on, so time to go!
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