So I've been staring at the blinking cursor for awhile now. I knew I wanted to come back, just not really sure how. So, here goes...
I know I abandoned this blog a loooong time ago, but I've been keeping {fairly} busy over at my other blog with creative and crafty stuff. The biggest thing keeping me busy? Take a guess...
Yep, a baby on the way! He's actually due this coming Friday, so I feel like a walking time bomb. Maybe he'll make a fourth of July appearance ;). He's also a big reason why I wanted to come back to this blog -- I'm going to need a TON of motivation to drop the baby weight!
And while I've been gaining, hubby's become quite the runner.
Wasn't he supposed to be gaining sympathy weight...? Anyhoo, with one solid 1/2 under his belt, his next goal is the White Rock 1/2 in December. While that's probably a lofty goal for me at this point, I do want to get a 5k under my belt before the end of the year. And maybe start training for a spring half? ;)
I probably won't be back to this blog until after baby, but looking forward to catching up with everyone else's stuff in the meantime!
The End of the Blogging Road
13 years ago
Oh WOW! It seems like everyone I finished an Ironman someone I know is having a baby! Congrat!
I've been busy with all the labor epidurals and C-Sections today at the hospital where I work. It's great to hear your Baby News. I was wondering what happened to you. Can't wait to hear how the birth experience went for you. Best Wishes.
Katie - congratulations. Sounds like today is the delivery date. If you think you are busy now, just wait. Keep blogging when you have time. Art
Katie! Welcome back! Wow!
Looking forward to hearing many more adventures from you.
I have a new URL: I invite you to visit
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